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Vorherige Englisch > Chinesisch Anfrage >>

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Vorherige Chinesisch > Englisch Anfrage >>

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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

Approx. 30.000 words / Based on words and simple short sentences regarding technical training instructions

Source language: Dutch and English

Target language: Philippine, Chinese (Mandarin) and Malaysian

Trados is required

You will receive the translation as a Trados package and deliver the translation also as a Trados return package, additional to the return package you will have to deliver a file with all the xml’s per set . The translation will be sent and delivered in separate sets which include approximately 100-150 xml files.

The first stage will consist out of 8 sets with a total of approximately 30.000 words, delivery is calculated based on 2000 words a day.

Example of text:
What are the types of vibration?
During your work you may be exposed to vibrations.
For example, if you are working with a hammer drill, or if you are on a forklift truck for a long time.
These vibrations can cause health problems.
What kinds of vibrations can cause problems?
Choose the right answers.
sound vibrations
Yes, that’s correct.
hand and arm vibrations
That’s correct!


Englisch > Chinesisch

Englisch > Tagalog

Englisch > Malaiisch

Über den Auftraggeber

Die Angaben zum Auftraggeber stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.

Die Abgabe eines Angebots ist leider nicht mehr möglich, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.