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Englisch > Deutsch: Buchübersetzung, 658 Seiten

Autor: Ian Smith
Titel: Bitter Harvest
Länge: 658 Seiten (Musterseite, für Wörteranzahl, siehe bei Textbeispiel)
Ich habe das Buch als PDF und Word-Datei.
Die Übersetzung wäre schön bis Ende 2021 zu haben.

Beste Grüße


Zimbabwe and Africa to have remained under white rule?
Ian Smith’s background was quintessentially colonial. His father Jock had emigrated from Scotland to Rhodesia in 1898, eight years after the first pioneer column despatched by Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa Company crossed the Limpopo river – modern Zimbabwe’s border with South Africa – to explore and exploit the rich virgin lands that lay beyond.
The Smiths settled in Selukwe, 200 miles south of the capital Salisbury, now Harare. There Jock ran a farm and a mine, chaired the local cricket and rugby clubs and bred racehorses. Their son Ian, born in 1918, followed in his footsteps. He was an undistinguished student, but like his father (and most white Rhodesians for that matter) a passionate sportsman and lover of the outdoor life. A self-described ‘African of British stock,’ Smith symbolised a society that considered itself more British than the British, and behaved as such. He believed in the old country, in the British Empire, and in the Empire’s civilizing mission.
When conflict loomed in Europe in 1939, the adventurous and patriotic young man trained as a pilot, before serving in the Rhodesian air force, and then in Spitfire Squadron 130 in the Royal Air Force. His war took him to Persia, the Middle East and finally Europe where he was shot down over Italy in 1944 and spent five months with the partisans behind German lines.
This gallant war record vastly complicated British attitudes to Smith during the crisis over Rhodesian independence two decades later. Many of a certain generation could not understand why ‘Good Old Smithy’ and ‘Plucky Little Rhodesia’ were held in such official disapproval. Yes, he led a white minority government that in 1965 had the temerity to declare independence. But he might have come from the home counties – though he had done more to defeat Hitler than the majority of British citizens. Beyond argument moreover he was extremely brave.
It is thus hardly surprising he enjoyed unwavering support from elements of the British Conservative party and of the conservative press. He also knew exactly how to appeal to British nostalgia, an especially


Englisch > Deutsch


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