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Vorherige Englisch > Polnisch Anfrage >>

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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

English <> Polish: Freelance medical or pharmaceutical translators

SDL, the world leader in professional translation services, software localization and software products is going to select

English into Polish
Polish into English

freelancers with experience in translating medical content. Medical, pharmaceutical education will be an asset.

We currently aim to set a team of translators to join us for upcoming project for our international client that provides support to the pharmaceutical, industry.

Please note that once you start working with us we tend to collaborate on a regular basis and working with us is a great opportunity to enhance your experience by translating for a range of high profile clients on a number of different projects.

To be considered you must:
1. demonstrate sufficient prior experience performing translation of medical/pharmaceutical content.
2. have ability to issue invoices
3. be willing to take a short test as a part of our selection process
4. having target language as native

-possessing medical/pharmaceutical training.

If you are interested in this offer, please send us [recruitmentXXX@XXXcom] your updated CV together with the following information:

• References of previous experience in similar translations (please, indicate some project/client references).
• Service offered (translation / review).
• Best rate in PLN (per new word and hourly).
• CAT tool (preferred CAT tool is SDL Studio, but please indicate if you work with another tool).

Please note that translators assigned to the account will complete training on client-specific requirements prior to beginning of the project.

Please type your language combination and “MED” in the subject line of your email.


Englisch > Polnisch

Polnisch > Englisch



Über den Auftraggeber

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