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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
English > Russian: 4,000-word project of various corporate marketing materials
We have a 4,000-word project of various corporate marketing materials that need to be translated and completed by May 9th or as soon as possible before that.
We are looking for an experienced and highly qualified native-speaking translator who can handle translation, editing, proofreading and quality assurance reviews.
Our client (a large well-known international company) will use their own reviewers to proof the translations and may wish to make changes or edits as they see fit to adhere to company-specific terms, vocabulary and jargon.
As part of our working arrangement with translators, we expect one or possibly two rounds of reviewing and incorporating our client reviewer’s edits to the translations.
If you are interested in this project, please send your CV and your rate per word (in $USD please) at your earliest convenience.
Thank you!
Englisch > Russisch
Wirtschaft / Marketing / Finanzen
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