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Vorherige Englisch > Russisch Anfrage >>

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Vorherige Russisch > Englisch Anfrage >>

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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

Russian > English: Translation and revision of patents and related materials (potential)

To: Highly skilled Russian to English patent professionals

MultiLing, the innovative leader in IP translation and related services for foreign patent filings by Global 500 legal teams, is seeking professional translators and revisers of Russian into English for patents and related materials in all subject matters, to join our team on a freelance basis.
We will have some projects for the end of June already.

Our minimum application requirements are as follows:

• Native-level proficiency in English
• At least 5 years of professional patent translation experience
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent
• Contact with target-language speakers on a very frequent and regular basis
• Use of Trados or another CAT tool that is compatible with Trados packages (.sdlppx and .sdlrpx)

We ask all applicants to submit the following:

• Indication of what your native language is
• A CV
• A brief description of your specific experience with patent translation and your preferred subject matters
• Your most competitive per new word and hourly rates for Translation and Revision (in USD or local currency)
• Which CAT tool you use

For more information about MultiLing, please visit our website

*If you have already been contacted by MultiLing or are a current MultiLing translator, we are interested in receiving referrals from your professional network. Please forward this message along to any of your contacts who may be interested in working with MultiLing.

**Please do not respond to this post if you do not have patent experience!

We look forward to hearing from you!


Russisch > Englisch

Über den Auftraggeber

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