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Italian <> French: AID Translators recruitment
We are looking to hire translators to perform translation and proofreading of various documents and reports for an European organization that works in the education and employment sector.
Translations will be needed throughout the year, meaning that there will be an ongoing request of translation projects.
We are therefore building a pool of translators and proofreaders that we can work with for this project. If you are interested and want to apply and get more details about it, please fill in this short application form:
Italian > French: https://goo.gl/forms/J6L8OKX0NXkUMjih2
French > Italian: https://goo.gl/forms/2IkwpW5t2WRcR3O32
Thank you for you time!
Italienisch > Französisch
Über den Auftraggeber
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