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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen

Several religious books of about 51000 words


Dear Sir and Madam

We would like to translate 40 books from English into Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech and Romanian.
The book sizes are all about 51000 words.
I have attached a sample book. All books are about this size, some bigger some smaller.
How much would it cost and how long would it take for the four languages?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards

Text sample:
With the passage of time your faithfulness will be tested. Your faithfulness will provoke God to give you additional gifts and a greater anointing. You will discover that certain realms are inaccessible to you until “time” elapses. Unfortunately, there is no substitute for the test of time. Some years ago, I tried to raise the dead but I did not succeed. I often wondered why God did not honour me then. If He had, I probably would have backslidden by now. I now see certain things happening in my ministry, which I didn’t see before. If I had had that level of anointing some years ago, it could have destroyed me. It is important to trust God to allow time to pass so that He Himself can lift you up at the right time.


Englisch > Bulgarisch

Englisch > Kroatisch

Englisch > Tschechisch

Englisch > Rumänisch


Wissenschaft / Sachbücher

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