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English > Croatian: 3 Christian books with pages of 32, 152 and 37 pages
I am looking for a Christian translator from English into Croatian. I have 3 Christian books with pages of 32, 152 and 37 pages.
Kindly let me know your cost and duration of work.
Kind Regards
Text sample:
12. Become a good shepherd by calling your own sheep by name. A good shepherd must know the names of the sheep. One of the tasks of a shepherd is to learn the names of every single member. You must strive earnestly to know the names of everyone. No one enjoys being a nameless figure or just another statistic. No one enjoys being hissed at or being referred to by his problem.
Many times, people’s names are forgotten and their problems are used as names. For instance, the pastor may say “Bring me the woman with the issue of blood,” or “Where is the lady whose child died last week?” or “How is the brother whose chickens were eaten by a cat?”
Also, no one enjoys being referred to by some vague and name like, “the upstairs people” or “the foreigners”. Learn the names of people and they will love you just for that.
Englisch > Kroatisch
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