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Vorherige Englisch > Russisch Anfrage >>

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Potenzielle Anfrage nach Korrektur lesen an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

Looking for talented Proofreaders in the IT field

We at We are looking for talented Proofreaders with experience in translation for a long-term freelance position to review the translations for a high-ranking Global IT client who is specialized in online advertising and web-based IT services.

The optimal candidate is a Native speaker of one of the target languages with
• Phenomenal English skills.
• A keen eye for detail.
• An excellent grasp for languages, using casual & friendly translations while at the same time having magnificent spelling and grammar in both English and [Insert Language].
• At least one year of proofreading experience from an IT company and translation experience minimum.

Candidates should be comfortable with
• CAT tools such as Trados or Wordfast
• Spotting and correcting errors in software localization, help articles, marketing and advertising content
• Translation of UI, help articles, marketing and advertising content.

Workload is 5-10 hours per week during an initial assessment period and can potentially rise to 15-20 hours per week upon successful completion of the initial assessment period.

(Please note that this is a freelance position where you will work from home).

If this description fits you and you would like to join the team, please feel free to send your resume.


Englisch > Russisch

Muttersprache: Russisch

Englisch > Serbisch

Muttersprache: Serbisch

Englisch > Italienisch

Muttersprache: Italienisch

Englisch > Indonesisch

Muttersprache: Indonesisch


Software / IT

Über den Auftraggeber

Die Angaben zum Auftraggeber stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.

Die Abgabe eines Angebots ist leider nicht mehr möglich, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.