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English > Polish: Looking for Translators who have rich experience in religion

Hi Sir/Madam,
I hope all is good with you. This is Jane from Christian Holy City Church based in the USA. We are so glad to find you on the Internet under God’s guidance.

Now we have many English Christian articles, gospel movie scripts and hymns to be translated into Polish, which mainly talk about how God saves man, how Satan corrupts mankind, what man should do in order to gain God's salvation, and so on. Thus, we are looking for the most professional linguists who have rich experience in the translation of Christian materials.
If you are interested in our project, please feel free to contact us.

As for the deadline and fees, we are glad to have a further discussion based on your efficiency and usual fees.

Thank you for reading this email and I am looking forward to your reply!

In Christ,

Example of text:
The greatest fault of man having faith in God is that his faith is in words only, and God exists not at all in his practical life. All men, indeed, believe in the existence of God, yet God is not a part of their everyday lives. Many prayers to God come from the mouth of man, but God has little place in his heart, and so God tries man again and again.


Englisch > Polnisch


Wissenschaft / Sachbücher

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