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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
English / German > Slovene: Urgently Hiring Freelance Translators
We are currently seeking translators for remote (work from home) opportunities.
this is a continuous collaboration
Languages: EN>Slovenian and DE>Slovenian
The candidates:
1.Native Slovenian translator with 2 years of translation experience at least
2.Specialized in Automotive field
3.Experience/Knowledge of CAT tools processes.
4 .Bachelor’s Degree(minimum)
Something about us:
1.To evaluate the quality of your translation, new translators need to take a small free of charge test(around 250 words).
2.We make monthly payment by paypal, skill,wire transfer and western union on 20th each month for the projects finished in last month 1st to 31st.
If you are qualified and interested, pls feel free to send your CV.
Please do mention your best competitive rate.
It is urgent, pls apply asap. Thanks.
Englisch > Slowenisch
Muttersprache: Slowenisch
Deutsch > Slowenisch
Muttersprache: Slowenisch
Über den Auftraggeber
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