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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

English > Hebrew: Freelance Hebrew Linguistic Reviewer/Expert in Hebrew diacritics

We are looking for Experts in Hebrew diacritics.
Requirements: A skilled Hebrew linguist with native Hebrew level and experience with linguistic projects involving diacritisations. Local resident of Tel Aviv and /or able to travel to client site when needed. Candidate must successfully complete and pass client-specific test piece. Able to commit 20 hours per week to the project. Hebrew linguistics degree or experience with projects involving diacritisation in Hebrew.
Duration 2-4 month.
Responsibilities: The project involves reviewing translated text-to-speech outputted content for an internet technology company. No special field/industry knowledge is required. You will work closely with the client Technology team to conduct linguistic review of machine-translated material. Your main objective is to identify and correct any diacritic errors in the source text. Correction to Hebrew grammar in the output will also be required. The client will provide further training on the systems involved as part of the workflow.
Contact: If this description fits you and you would like to join the project, please feel free to send your resume:
Due to the nature of the client and the work involved, we require discretion from all potential candidates. We will require you to sign before processing your application.


Englisch > Hebräisch

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