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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen
English > Russian: Online Product title translation
The source segments of this text are extracted from the product short title or description in e-commence website including shipment methods, sales discount, etc. usually without any punctuation separating them.
We got two types of long-term project, LQE and title translation.
1. Newly forecasted 200K title translaton for July,the acutual amount depends on your quality and availability
2. For LQE(linguist quality evaluation), you need to find error from the original target translated by machine and analysize and categorizie the issue type according to the side as an effort of train machine.
1. Those who are familiar with e-commence, good at using serach engine to search background , good sense of understanding will be preferred
2. Good at discriminate syntactical phrases one by one and translate each of the phrases in the title accuratly
3. A 200W free test is required
Englisch > Russisch
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