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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
German / English > Arabic: Technical translators needed
Dear translators,
We are searching for technical translators in the following language pairs for potential projects:
Language | (Max. rate for translation)
German – Arabic (EUR 0,13)
English – Arabic (EUR 0,13)
You should only translate into your mother tongue and live in this country (In market principle).
• Valid tax number or valid VAT number for EUcountries
• Minimum version SDL Trados Studio 2015
• Minimum MS Office version 2016
• Operating System: Windows (newer one)
Required education:
• Education as a translator or
• Language studies on a university or
• Technical education/training with minimum two years experience in technical translations or
• No relevant education, but minimum five years experience in technical translations
Payment Requirements:
You need a PayPal account, if you do not have the currency Euro in your country. For countries with the currency Euro we can pay via SEPA bank transfer.
Please no translation agency owners or translation agency staff members or translation teams.
Please write „PA“ in the title line of your application. Then we know that you have read the whole text.
Thanks! We would be glad to hear from you soon.
With kind regards,
Deutsch > Arabisch
Englisch > Arabisch
Über den Auftraggeber
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