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Konkrete Anfrage nach Copywriting an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen
French <> English: LIVE text editing and translation on 03/02 at 16h CET
LIVE text editing and translation on 03/02 at 4pm CET
I am looking for someone who is available on call at the exact time mentioned above for about 1.5 hours. I would then probably have a task regarding a French-language text, such as preparing a summary of a French text in French, but possibly also in English (or vice versa English text in French summary).
So you should be able to speak French and English.
Please let me know if you can be reliably available at this point in time and what price you imagine/how you would like to calculate it.
I have received several offers in my last tenders - if this is the case again, I might not be able to answer all of them.
Englisch > Französisch
Französisch > Englisch
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