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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen
English > French: French translation of a blog
We need a French native speaker who can translate our regularly published online blog "the future workplace" on our website
Please make your offer (price per word or price per blog post with approx. 500 words).
1st task: translate previous 6 blog posts
Around 500 words per blog post.
We would like to work with someone who has expertise or has already written or translated content in the furniture or interior design field.
Good keywords (SEO) are of importance for translation.
Please send us with your application following translation. We need to get an idea of your style.
"Well, for one thing, In-person collaboration isn’t going away — some people just work best in the heated atmosphere of white-board brainstorming. That said, it will pay to stay in tune with a stay-at-home workforce, to cultivate a flexible labor pool and accompanying office design. This means, for example, that businesses equip themselves with adaptable furnishings and employees who can take their desk home with them and be productive remotely, whenever needed, with little to no disruption of productivity."
Thank you very much in advance
Englisch > Französisch
Muttersprache: Französisch
Wirtschaft / Marketing / Finanzen
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