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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
English > Japanese: Mobile App, 759 words
App for iOS, strings should be translated into Japanese. Only the second part of the sentence should be translated, not the code. The 759 words take only the second part of the sentence into account.
Dead line: 9th of December 2020
DE and FR versions also available.
Example of text:
"wrap_take_picture_explanation" = "To wrap your gift take a photo of a side of the package.\nPlease make sure that the chosen side does not change (i.e. by attaching address labels or stamps).\nPlease crop the photo so that only the side of the package is visible.";
"wrap_give_measurements_explanation" = "Now please enter the width of the photo you took. You can enter an optional tallness.\n
Englisch > Japanisch
Software / IT
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Die Abgabe eines Angebots ist leider nicht mehr möglich, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.