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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
German > Arabic: Legal matter, labour law, education etc.
It is nice to e-meet you. :)
Soon we will receive a DE>AR project that would require your
expertise. Would you agree to work with us on a regular basis?
PROJECT SPECIALIZATION: legal matter, labour law, education etc.
JOB TYPE: translation
TOOL: will be provided free of charge
WORKLOAD: as per your needs
PAYMENT TERM: 30 days after invoice is issued
What more we suggest:
1. A full workload of General and other specializations
translations for your chosen language combination as per your
field of expertise.
2. Newest translation technologies without investing in them as
the company provides all translation tools needed.
3. Friendly and professional support provided by HR, PM, IT,
accountancy teams.
4. A reliable partnership, as said by our linguists
Looking forward to our collaboration!
Deutsch > Arabisch
Recht / Urkunden
Über den Auftraggeber
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Die Abgabe eines Angebots ist leider nicht mehr möglich, da die Anfrage bereits geschlossen ist.