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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
German > Serbian: Ongoing long-term project line
One of the leading localization companies in Europe is seeking German -> Serbian linguists for an ongoing long-term project line.
Requirements are as follows:
• Native speaker of the target language
• Relevant experience in general Technical texts (user manuals for various kinds of consumer goods, such as small furniture, kids’ toys, electronic products, fitness equipment etc.)
• Ability to work regularly: capacity is up to 10 000 words per month, turn-around time is 1-3 working days. The projects can be different from 200 words up to 2000 words each.
• Working with server memoQ (no need a license).
You will be asked to do a short TEST for free.
Candidates, if you fit the above-mentioned requirements, please send us your CV and standard rates.
We are looking forward to your applications.
Deutsch > Serbisch
Muttersprache: Serbisch
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