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Vorherige Englisch > Finnisch Anfrage >>

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Konkrete Anfrage nach Korrektur lesen an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)

URGENT: Reviewer(LQA) _ 3 to 4 months project_Tourism

Only available for Freelancer

Start time: late October or early November this year.
Duration: 3~4 months
Tool: Excel.
Main responsibilities:
1. LQA scoring:
- do LQA work of online post-translation editing content (Ideally, MTPE work is done by freelance translators; if the corpus is insufficient, you need to participate in the MTPE program, which is about 1,500 words per week).
2. Attribution analysis
- Analyze the parts of the LQA where translation errors are found and where there are deviations between the MTQE report and the LQA report.
3. Data Asset Review and Tagging:
- Responsible for the ongoing management of problematic data
- Organizing and managing the glossary
- Tagging data to select high-quality materials for machine learning.
4. Summarize the issues related to the machine learning corpus and assist in the production of appropriate prompts.
5. Short sample of LQA scoring for your reference.

Candidate Requirements:
1. 8 hours/day available capacity is requisite, from Mon- Fri.
2. Available to work for at least 3 months from this late October or early November
3. Rich experience in translation and language quality assessment.
4. Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
5. Experience with data governance and review is preferred.
6. Excellent communication and teamwork skills.

Hire process: CV review by the client > written test or online interview >Sign with us> join this project


Englisch > Polnisch

Englisch > Dänisch

Englisch > Finnisch

Englisch > Ukrainisch

Englisch > Schwedisch

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