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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer (keine Agenturen)
German > Danish: Documents of Automotive Diagnostic Instruments, Trados and other CAT tools required
We are a leading translation service provider from China in the fields of electric, electronics, automotive, computer games, IT and software localization etc. We mainly deal with user manuals, gift box features, marketing materials, websites and software applications. We have always been looking for reliable and competitive translators who are NATIVE speakers in such languages as Dutch, German, French, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Greek etc. (40 languages in total) and who are experienced and specialized in the above fields as our long-term partners.
We need freelance translators who are familiar with the translation of documents of automotive diagnostic instruments.
Trados and other CAT tools required.
If you are qualified and interested, please feel free to contact us and send your CV, Thanks!
Deutsch > Dänisch
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