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Potenzielle Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen
English > French: instruction medical equipment, 45 instructions, pdf
It concerns the translation of the instructions and descriptions concerning medical research equipment. In total about 45 instructions, about 2500 words each. From English into French.
NOTE: the client requires iso certification.
Example of text:
Cardiac troponins are currently the most sensitive and specific biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis. There are three types of troponin in heart muscle fibers. Those are troponin-C, troponin-I, and troponin-T. Together they contribute to make cardiac muscle fibers contract. The clinical measurement of serum Tn-I has become an important tool in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Serum Tn-I is a more
Englisch > Französisch
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