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English > Croatian: Project proposal for research, 20 pages
Project proposal for research, 20 pages
Example of text:
BSM For the investigation of Physics Beyond the Standard Model, I plan to focus on two
important scenarios: (i) a setup with scalars extension of the Standard Model. They serve as
an important benchmarks for the LHC experiments, and can be considered as the low-energy
realization of more involved scalar sectors. It constitutes an important testing ground for the
experimental collaborations. General searches for this model are performed at the current
LHC run; however, in most of these quantum effects are not fully accounted for. These will be
investigated in the current project proposal. We will also investigate models with more involved
scalar sectors, and focus on the discovery prospects at LHC Run III as well as possible future
colliders. (ii) Scalar models with dark matter candidates. These are important in order to
evolve on the complementarity between collider and dark matter searches...
Englisch > Kroatisch
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