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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen
English > French: Still available: translation with cert. in France (legal text, 66 pages)
Dear colleagues,
We have a legal text with a length of 66 pages for a certified translation from English into French and would like to find an agency or an experienced freelancer in France.
IMPORTANT: The translator must be generally sworn in France since the certified translation will be needed at a court in France.
We will need a short test translation (1-2 pages) and the complete translation by May, 13, 2019, 12:00 CET.
Please send us some information about you or your company, containing the following facts:
- For freelancers: Your CV and experience;
- For LSPs: Is your company ISO- or DIN-certified?
- How many in-house translators and PMs you have;
- Recommendation letters;
- Your competitive prices
If we and the customer are satisfied, further projects may follow.
Thank you very much!
Englisch > Französisch
Recht / Urkunden
Über den Auftraggeber
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