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Vorherige Englisch > Luganda Anfrage >>


Vorherige Luganda > Englisch Anfrage >>


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English > Luganda: 100 pages for a bible school

Thanks for the work you do, i have a document of about 100 page its to be used in a bible school.
We want it to translated to luganda

Example of text:
You are all welcome to the modular programme of the School of Ministry and we trust that you will be equipped by the Holy Spirit for effective and faithful service to the Lord through this programme.
Each module is planned for 4 months, after which a second module would be introduced in future for those interested in further study.
Subjects to be taught will include the following:
1. Basic Christian Doctrine
2. Principles of Christian Leadership
3. Spiritual Gifts
4. Prayer & Intercession
5. Christian Character
6. Evangelism & Christian Discipleship
7. Bible Survey (Old & New Testament Survey)
To promote and to preserve the integrity of God’s Word
2Timothy 1:13; 2:1-2, 15; 3:14-17
1. Bring a pen, notebook, Bible, a folder, and a study bag
2. Invest in a good reference or Study Bible
3. Invest in a good Bible concordance, if available
4. Make efforts to memorise Scripture (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 1:1-3; 119:11)
5. Make time to study God’s Word regularly and take notes of the lessons learnt (2Timothy 2:15)
6. Spend time to pray for divine wisdom and understanding of God’s Word (Psalms 119:130)
7. Make time to pray for the teachers and interpreter for wisdom, understanding and anointing (Ephesians 6:18-20; Hebrews 13:17)
8. Make efforts to attend lectures regularly and on time too. If you are unable to do this for whatever reason, please show courtesy by contacting the Registrar, Bishop John Samuel Ogwang or his assistant, Glady Evarine Akello.
9. If you have any questions during the course of the lectures, please write them down on a paper or raise your hand for attention.
10. Show respect to the teacher and to your colleagues whenever making contributions to the lessons, even when you have to disagree with their views.
11. Don’t be critical or irritable by other people’s views or opinions. We are here to learn together.
12. When Bible references are given to be read, every student is given an opportunity to read in class as part of the learning process.


Englisch > Luganda

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