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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen

English > French: Hypnotherapy, 52000 words

52000 words 180 pages
no urgency

Text sample:
Much of the controversy associated with hypnosis is concerned with the premise that hypnosis is a recognizable state. In the face of Barber's (1969) constant and well constructed attacks against this premise (i. e. that hypnosis is a state recognizable solely by certain specific phenomena) this premise has become difficult to support. Indeed, all of the phenomena that have been attributed to hypnosis can be produced without any formal induction. Moreover, they can exist spontaneously. As early as 1823, Bertrand affirmed that 'the psychological phenomena observed during the magnetic state are not exceptional phenomena but are normal or at least phenomena which can be observed under various other conditions.' Orne (1959) also noted that much of what passes for hypnosis is a normal response that might properly be expected in that situation. He also pointed out that simulating subjects can successfully mislead experienced hypnotists into believing that they are hypnotized. Subsequently, attempts to define hypnosis by means of the phenomena normally associated with it are fraught with difficulties.


Englisch > Französisch


Wissenschaft / Sachbücher

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