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Konkrete Anfrage nach einer Übersetzung an freiberufliche Übersetzer / Übersetzungsagenturen

English > German: Pattern translations, approx. 3000 words

Approximately 3000 words

Content translations, common words and their synonyms

We'd like you to translate Patterns. and their content. The Name should be translated directly -- it should represent the same concept as shown by the example content of the pattern. The content itself should not be translated directly or word-for-word. Instead, please find the most common words, abbreviations, and/or short phrases in the target language that capture the same concept as the one represented in the source pattern. For 'UNITED_KINGDOM' and 'CITIES_UK', please replace the major country of your culture and some of the major cities in that country.

Example of text:
CONTACT (English) approach, contact, contact address, contacting, get in touch, in touch, person contact
KONTACT (German) kontecken, kontaktseite, kontaktinformation, kontaktieren, kontaktdat, kontaktaufnahme, kontakt, kontacken, konntakt,contacen
FAMILY (English) aunt, bro, brother, cousin, dad, family, father, father in law, grandson
FAMILIE (Geman) (verwandschaft,tant,schwester,schwager,opa,onkel,oma,nichten,neffen,mutter,grossvater,großvater,grossvat,grossmutter,großmutter,geschwister,familienmitglied,familie,cousine,cousin,brueder,bruder)


Englisch > Deutsch

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